Anti Trafficking Statement
LasXXXVegas has zero tolerance for sex trafficking. While promoting a positive sexual culture, we recognize a responsibility to address human trafficking for sex. We condemn all forms of human and sex trafficking. LasXXXVegas is committed to raising awareness of human trafficking.
What is Sex Trafficking?
Sex trafficking involves the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. It involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to make an adult engage in commercial sex acts. However, any commercial sexual activity with a minor, even without force, fraud, or coercion, is considered trafficking.
Most victims of sex trafficking are women and girls, though men and boys are impacted as well. Victims are trapped and controlled through assault, threats, false promises, perceived sense of protection, isolation, shaming, and debt. Victims do not have to be physically transported between locations to be victimized.
Sex trafficking can take place at massage parlors, private homes, brothels, hotels or on the internet.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
If you are a victim of trafficking or suspect trafficking, help is available at the National Human Trafficking Hotline 24/7 and is confidential. 1-888-373-7888 is the hotline phone number or text BEFREE or HELP to 233733