Vegas Laws for Sex Work and Prostitution

Sex is on the itinerary of many tourists in Vegas. Knowing the laws regarding sex work in Las Vegas may be a deterrent from wasting your time in the Clark County Jail. Here is what you need to know when considering sexual transactions in Las Vegas!

Soliciting and Prostitution are illegal in Clark County, Nevada

These laws for sex work and prostitution are applied to all of the Las Vegas Valley. Legal brothels in Nye County are the closest to Las Vegas. Solicitation is requesting sexual services via the internet, in person or over the phone.

What happens if you get caught soliciting a prostitute

Your first solicitation conviction can carry up to a six month sentence and $1,000 fine. Prostitution convictions also carry up to a six month sentence and a fine. These maximum sentences seem a little harsh for the first time offender and are unlikely to be the actual sentence served.

Fortunately, if you are arrested, plea bargains are offered for first time offenders. If you’re charged with solicitation,a plea bargain can quickly be made. A fine can be paid and attendance in John School is required. This plea bargain will get the charge erased from your record and require minimal to no jail time.

What happens if you get caught being a prostitute

Escorting is completely legal in Las Vegas! Sexual acts create the division between legal and illegal. Prostitution convictions can carry up to a six month sentence and fine. If you or “a friend” are arrested and receive your first prostitution charge, a treatment program is available. Once the program is completed, the prostitution charge can be erased from your record.

Casino security is frequently on the lookout for prostitution. If you are accused of prostitution, security will typically take you to a holding room where you will be photographed. You will also be trespassed from the property and asked to never return. At this point you can be escorted out or wait for a police officer to write a summons to appear in court.

Know the risks

Know the laws and consequences of prostitution and solicitation in Las Vegas. Las Vegas Metro Police Department and casino security both run undercover operations. Soliciting anyone offering sexual services also puts yourself at risk for supporting human trafficking. Read more about human sex trafficking.

For more information on legal sex work in Nevada click here!

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